The band

The band’s credo is simple: «Not too many notes, but the right ones – not fixed chords, but floating, open chords – not virtuoso, but true.»

Fabric of time
Norwegian proggers 35 Tapes have hit their peak with their new album Fabric of Time. Combining time-honored sounds like the Mellotron and analog synths with modern sensibilities, the album is a cinematic journey through moods, times and places. At times evoking the symphonic grandeur of early King Crimson and Genesis, the group also touches on the melancholy art-rock of groups like Talk Talk or an artist like David Sylvian.

The iconic sound of a Mellotron, with its 35 tape rolls, made lifelong impressions on many a young soul in the mid to late 70’s. Including the members of 35 Tapes. When they now, as mature men, take their life-long obsession with music seriously, the band 35 Tapes is the result.

Lost & Found
The band’s debut album. The band tries to recreate some of the good feelings this music gave us at that time merged with the typical Nordic vibes and mellowness you can find in fellow Norwegians such as Airbag , Oak and Laughing Stock.